I have been through a few more colors and felt I should do a little update.
The green hair from last post was fun and it lasted quite awhile. I wanted to try something new. I started by bleaching and toning my hair to a very white blonde. I left it alone for about one week so it could have time to repair a little.
I chose to do purple and green this time. The green dye I mixed myself and I mixed so many things into it I can't remember what I did. I wish I would have written it down somewhere because I loved the color! I used Manic Panic Ultra Violet for the purple.
I was very happy with the colors until the third wash. I was so very disappointed how faded the purple was so quickly. :( The green stayed for quite awhile longer. I let it all mostly fade to blonde again before I dyed it again.
I did all over blue with N' Rage Cobalt Blue. I think this will always be my favorite color.
This color lasts so long. This is what it faded to after about 9 weeks. I redyed it the same blue for a few months. I decided to try something new again.
This is the color it still was when I put the purple dye on it.
I did a big mix of purples I still had and left over blue. I was weary to use the Manic Panic Ultra Violet after how quickly it faded before. I decided to use it anyway.
It came out to be a very dark purple. Indoors it looks almost black. In the sunlight it is a very very bright purple. Now that I have had it for about a month it is still fully covered and beautiful. It has faded slightly so it doesn't look as dark indoors now. I love it, but I love my blue more. :)