So I had to go black for my sisters wedding and I've been itching to do something new to my hair as soon as the reception was over! The black I used was really an extremely dark blue over already different shades of blue hair. I bleached my hair last night and I am actually pretty pleased with the way the bleaching turned out. Since I will be dying with a green and turquoise, I think the colors will come out very pretty. If I was going with a different color, like reds or purples, I would have bleached another time to get to a better blonde color first.
I used my favorite bleach, Beyond The Zone Radical Bleach Kit over my entire head. I had to use two kits because my hair is getting long. Please refer to my first blog entry on tips and tricks with bleaching. I left it on for a little over an hour. Here is the end result.
I started by separated all of my hair three sections at first. The bangs, most of the back, and the bottom. I then made smaller sections in each to make it easier to color it all. I colored all of my bangs and I got lucky and my sister showed up and dyed the rest of my hair for me.
I dyed the bangs and bottom with Manic Panic Electric Lizard the rest of the hair was dyed with Manic Panic Atomic Turquoise. As always, I mixed in some of my L'Oreal Everstrong Sulfate Free Conditioner to the dye before applying. I have it wrapped up in a shower cap and I will leave it on overnight and wash it in the morning.
I left the dye in a shower cap over night for about 12 hours time. I rinsed my hair with the coldest water I could stand until the water ran clear. I then used my L'Oreal Everstrong Sulfate Free Shampoo lightly, mostly just scrubbing my scalp to get dye off of it. Then I used a good amount of L'Oreal Everstrong Sulfate Free Conditioner and worked it through all my hair with a wide toothed comb. I left the conditioner on for about 3-5 minutes. I rinsed my hair with (still cold) water thoroughly until it was all out.
When styling hair you want to keep it out of heat as much as you can. I cannot go without using heat. So I always dry my hair on regular setting and when its all dry I cool it all down with the cool shot. If you must flat iron your hair (which I have to) you need to find nice alcohol free hair sprays and heat protectants. I use L'Oreal EverStyle Alcohol Free Hair Spray. When finished with straightening cool your hair down again with the cool shot on hair dryer.
Needless to say, I LOVE the way these colors came out. Next time I will definitely bleach my hair to white before these colors so they can be the brighter colors they could be (like my roots look). Can't wait to see the colors it fades out to! [;